THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate

By Gary Chapman
ISBN: 13: 978-1-881273-15-8
It’s been a New York Times Bestseller for a reason.
Gary Chapman has been helping countless couples to strengthen their marriages and family lives. Through marriage seminars, books, as well as a radio program on more than 400 stations, he tugs the heart-strings of couples across the globe.
This well-known book dives into the nuts of bolts of what makes each individual tick. Its content helps readers discern and discover how to understand one another’s unique needs. As these needs are assessed, each is explored to assist in learning how to best ‘speak’ to your partner in effective, loving ways. It’s learning his/her most effective ‘love language.’
A survey is included in this version of the book; one for each partner to take. The survey results determine one another’s specific main love language.
Another viewpoint we felt made this worthy for our book club? It’s also a great tool to simply learn more about yourself. Yes, strengthen the love between you and your partner, but strengthen your own self-love, too. How better to do that than a continual deep-dive into just what makes YOUR heart tick?
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