July issue
Flag, Focus + Freedom

It’s the month to celebrate America’s birthday. To celebrate who we are as a country, who we are as Americans—and who we are as humans. So, yes, cheers to that!
In July, let’s vow to love one another. Let us not only know that goodness exists, but despite today’s adversity, let’s understand that goodness abounds. As does kindness. And grace.
Beautiful, right?
So may we all walk about being ambassadors of these characteristics. May we be the smile to spark positivity in a stranger’s day. May we extend the kind gesture that, for a moment, warms another’s heart.
And may we also stay focused on our own goals. It can be a challenge to dissipate distractions. To quiet the noise that breaks our focus. That diverts us from our achievements.
As we progress toward our goals, may we learn to bite a lip if needed, as silence is often louder than noise. May we react with controlled grace and intelligence, while remaining steadfast to our values and aspirations. Yes, may we focus forward individually and together as a group of kind-hearted human beings.
At InSuesShoes.com, you’re welcome with us. Any day. At any time. Dig in to the website; there’s plenty to read + view. Be inspired. Send us an email (we promise to respond!). Share your thoughts and goals – and together, let’s make this world a little brighter each day.
And, yes, cheers to the red, white, and blue. Happy July, all… thanks for being with us. –Sue