September sets in with a bit more consistency of schedules.
At least, it once did.
Perhaps it’s yet another detonation toward 2020’s path of changing, well, everything and all ‘normal’ routines. Right?
Be that as it may, what we can control is only ourselves and proceeding with plans, as best as we can, to continually improve. To improve within, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

This September has been a common month for moves. Ask any REALTOR®, and he or she will tell you. Despite COVID’s affect on our lives, it hasn’t negatively impacted most within the realty world. People are renovating, and moving to new homes. Yes, ‘home’ is more than a place to rest our heads at night; it’s now an active hub of life—of home schools, home gyms, busier kitchens, and more backyard activity.
I was part of the moving mayhem in September. You’ll notice little new content on the site during this month. Why?
- I moved for the seventh (and hopefully final, for a long, long time) time in two years.
- I am human.
Yes, it’s been a long journey in my shoes these last few years. It’s been exhausting. It’s been exciting. It’s been lonely, and yet fulfilling. It’s been hurtful, and yet healing.
It’s been a day-by-day walk, with some days more energized than others. But along the way, I have kept faith. At times in life we will all walk through some levels of darkness. But remember this if you, too, have been in a rather difficult time of life: it’s through darkness when we can most easily see the light.
Life is never promised to be easy. But fulfillment can be achieved. Keep believing. Trust that the steps before you are for a purpose. Your steps now make stronger legs—a strength to propel you forward. Better. Stronger. More purposeful. And ultimately? More fulfilled.
Happy September, friends. May this month’s journey be traveled with steady feet, a tenacious spirit, and a faith to illuminate your purpose.