We’re SO HAPPY to be back with you!
It’s been SIX WHOLE MONTHS – and I could not be more excited to be back. Yes, after blowing about like a ping-pong ball in a windstorm—with a seventh move in just two years (!)—at last my hubbs and I have landed with permanence.

Very long story short, the last several months have been busy getting my proverbial ducks straight and organized. And after such repeated upheavals of life’s normalcies—like a house, new location, doctors, kids, dogs, jobs, utility companies, and where in the hell is the grocery store?!—my life and my spirits needed to heal. And fortunately, I’ve since found the grocery.
Yes, every now and then—even when we’re driven and determined—we need to Stop. Pushing. For. More. When waves crash upon us it’s easy to stand through one or two waves. But when the frequency increases, one crash after another after another, we’re bound to have our feet swept beneath us. We will fall.
But we will get back up, too.
And it’s okay. It’s life. And sometimes we need six month to re-set. To re-adjust. Yes, to re-start and refocus on what’s before us. And then? We get after it.
And we do this as many times as necessary. What we don’t do? Quit. Take a break as needed, yes. Take six months to reassess and readjust. Allow yourself the time to heal. You take care of you. Period.
And then? Proceed with full energy. Intense focus. And. Get. It. Done.
So, what turned into a six-month hiatus was necessary. Necessary for me. Necessary to provide longevity to the great community we’ve built. I’m back, ready, able, and excited to restart this journey called InSuesShoes. My shoes were worn and weary. But now? I’m laced up and ready to rock.
Join me for all I have in store for friends of InSuesShoes. Brighter days of consistency, encouragement, fun, friendship + so, so much more is beginning.
And it starts today… Happy April to all friends of InSuesShoes. Lace ‘em up, because we’re going to have some fun.
You’re welcome here, no matter the shoes you’re in.