Life Goes On…
Which would you really choose?
Indeed, life goes on—whether we move forward into the unknown, or whether we stay behind, locked in the past.
So given the choice, which would you do?

For most of us, the immediate response is an emphatic declaration of moving forward. But would we really?
Moving on to new adventures, new sights, surroundings-not-yet-seen sounds rather romantic, doesn’t it?
Heck, yes. Tomorrow I’d love to be gliding down a river cruise along the Seine, or be devouring pasta in Venice, or sipping divine wine in Bordeaux.
Sign. Me. Up.
But in reality? I have a job. You likely do, too.
I can’t just spring into big new adventures. I bet you’re not privy to such carefree abandon either…
But you know what? Life will still go on, whether we move a muscle or not. And you know what else? If we don’t move forward, we might later begin statements with “If only I’d… I wonder what it’d been like… “
Shoulda’, coulda’, woulda’. pppllllbbbbb. No thanks.
It Starts With A Step
Perhaps moving on isn’t by leaps, bounds, or cross-Atlantic flights—but instead with one mere step. With spirit. With learning. With giving our very best toward daily life, but also adding something new, fresh, and intriguing.
By getting off our duffs, and starting to move more. Do more. Do different. One step at a time.
How To Get Started?
Let’s start exploring nearby nature walks. Visit the shop you keep driving past. Learn a language—Duolingo
is an excellent, free learning program to get you started. Learn to cook French cuisine. Teach your dog a new trick. Rent a canoe or kayak and explore from a’top the water. Plant some seeds and see if they’ll grow.
Something. Something new to you.
Keep Springing Forward, Even If With Just A Step
Life expands and spirits soar when we avoid stagnancy. It’s far too easy to live life in a rut of ho-hum. Let’s intentionally shake things up.
Life goes on, yes, so let’s move a step ahead of it. Lace ‘em up, friends. It’s time, don’t you think?
Stick with us at in April and we’ll take steps together. It’s what happens when we journey together. No matter the shoes you’re in.