Lift Your Mood… with juice

Sometimes in life there’s so much blah it’s hard to blast through it, right? And… sometimes what we dump in our stomachs has a greater effect that further compounds life’s yucks. So, if you have a juicer, USE YOURS TODAY. We bet you’ll feel better. When we juice + drink its fresh sweetness (that’s LOADED with vitamins!), we bet your body and MOOD will say, ‘thanks! I needed that!’ Friends, always overcome. Find a way. Even if through one small push–on the juicer’s ‘on’ button.
Don’t have a juicer? Stay tuned. We’ll give some insight on that, too!

My juice of the day:
2 apples, juiced
1 orange, juiced
3 carrots, juiced
ginger bud, juiced
1/2 lemon, juiced
If you’re new to juicing and need more info, we’ll be loading simple columns on how to cut + peel the fruit/veggies, new recipes and more.
Happy juicing!