You Want Me to Eat THAT???
Brussel Sprouts
OK, I know what you’re probably thinking. I thought the same thing until recently: “Brussel sprouts? Yeah, I don’t think so.”

But, don’t turn your head quite yet—until you know a little more about this delicious vegetable (yes, delicious!). I was like many. I wouldn’t even try a brussel sprout because of all the bad press it gets. But I am here to tell you: don’t knock ‘em until you try ‘em! They are absolutely amazing if cooked the right way—and they have so many health benefits.
So let’s talk about why this vegetable is so amazing. First, the sprouts are low in calorie and high in nutrients. For just one cup of brussel sprouts it’s 38 calories, .3g fat, 8g carbs (3.3g fiber) and 8g protein. This serving contains your daily amount of both vitamin C and K.
Brussel sprouts fall into the ‘cruciferous vegetables’ category which means that studies suggest consuming these types of vegetables decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality while promoting a healthy complexion, increased energy and overall lower weight. Too, with the amount of vitamin K in this tasty veggie it can also help improve bone health.
So how do you enjoy this yummy vegetable?
There are many different ways, but my favorite is roasting them in the oven with a little olive oil or coconut oil and some garlic and herbs. Another neat way to incorporate them is to shred them and put them in a salad.
Here is a super simple recipe to try. (Tip: do not overcook this vegetable as it will lose some of its awesome nutrients if cooked too long.)
Servings: 4
2 pounds brussel sprouts, cutting each brussel sprout in half
1/8 cup olive oil (or more depending on the size of your brussel sprouts, you may need to increase to 1/2 cup so they aren’t too dry)
1/2 Tablespoon garlic powder
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
In a large bowl, toss brussel sprouts with olive oil and garlic powder
Pour brussel sprouts onto a large jelly roll pan and shake the pan to ensure sprouts are in an even layer
Bake for 35 minutes, turning the brussels sprouts with a spatula halfway through the cooking process
Serve warm